
July 23, 2012

Did He or Didn’t He?

A few questions to ponder regarding Carl Pittman.  Would you convict him in a court of law? Is he electable? Do you trust him to be our Sheriff? What does it say about the people he surrounds himself with? Why doesn’t he own a home in Harris County? Most importantly, do you think he did it? Questions reasonable voters have about Sheriff Candidate Carl Pittman. The IAD report is out and it looks bad.

?         Would you convict him in a court of law? I would have to answer probably no with the information we have at the present time. Fact; nearly 80% of abused women recant their stories, usually due to fear of further retaliation and the belief that the police cannot protect them.

?         Is he electable? NO! The chronicle is just waiting to run story after story about how those old evil Republicans put up a horrible man to run for Sheriff. They have had the story for months now. Why do you think they endorsed Carl? They are very happy with Sheriff Garcia to whom Carl has donated five hundred dollars.  Carl has never won a straw poll in Harris County.

?         Do you trust him to be our Sheriff? NO! Even more important he isn’t competent to be the Sheriff of a 400 million dollar a year agency. He has never led more than a handful of people and has no college degree.  Look at his financial reports. He can’t even do his own reports; he has hired someone to do it for him.

?         What does it say about him considering the people he chooses to surrounds himself with? Bill Kneer, Richard Dillon and Mary Sergesketter,  just to name a few. Was Dr. Evil not available? They are also some of the worst whiners and finger pointers in the business. They have studied the ways of the left and are becoming true masters of the dark side of politics. Never have I seen a candidate better at crying about everyone else, when his hacks are chopping down everyone who doesn’t support their candidate. Carl claims he has no connection with some of these people. Look into his financial reports and you will see the Apache listings. Strange isn’t it Kneer and Dillon’s unscrupulous little blog always attacks candidates that didn’t pay Apache, but are running against folks who did. It almost seems like there’s protection money in there somewhere. Let’s not forget how Mary Sergesketter helped get Mayor Parker elected. It seems she did a little mailer which put a ton of money in Mary’s pocket and gave Houston Parker.

?         Why doesn’t he own a home in Harris County? Why that’s a good question! Maybe it’s so when he loses he can move to Bon Temp Louisiana or wherever. I don’t think there is much in Harris County to hold Carl here. It seems he is hanging out here until the election is over and if by some miracle he wins, hey Obama won, and then he will settle down and buy something. Whereas Louis has lived in Harris County nearly forty years and has owned property, and paid taxes, for decades.

?         Do you think he did it? Do you? Two different women across different states and years in time. If you believe it’s all made up, I still got some beach front lots for sale here in Katy.  It really doesn’t matter if he did or didn’t. He is un-electable and that’s a fact. He often acts like a bully and whines about everything. Have you ever seen a more immature candidate?  Of course look at who his handlers are. Guess what, politics is tough and if you can’t handle the heat get out of the kitchen. When you whine all the time you just look weak.

Bottom line is this; Louis Guthrie is electable and will make a terrific Sheriff. Plus Louis respects women and they respect him. If Carl wins in the runoff, he will single handedly cause the defeat of the Republican ballot in November. Don’t just take my word for it. See what Bob Price and David Jennings have to say about Carl. The sad part is we have the best Judge candidates ever. The democrats are just waiting to tie them to Carl. Don’t let them go down in flames, vote for Louis Guthrie.

July 15, 2012

Breakfast With David

The  Downtown Houston Pachyderm Club strikes gold again. It all started Thursday at their regular noon meeting, held at the world famous Spaghetti Warehouse, where they heard from Ted Cruz, candidate for U.S. Senate. A guy passing out David Dewhurst lit showed up and was “talked to” by some of the members about Mr. Dewhurst not even giving us a reply when he was invited to come speak. It seems this gentleman got in touch with the Dewhurst campaign and Mr. Dewhurst responded with an offer to meet with any of the Downtown Pachyderm members the next morning, Friday the thirteenth, 2012. Yes, it pays to be a member. This is why, as one state wide candidate told me, “the Downtown Houston Pachyderms Club is on the must do list for Harris County”.

So off we go to the Olivette restaurant at the Houstonian Hotel early Friday morning. By my count we had fourteen people show up. Now maybe some of them should have been at work, so the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Two folks I must mention are runoff candidates Michael Landrum and Don Self. The Houston Downtown Pachyderm board was represented by two past presidents plus their vice-president. I think I saw someone from one of the other clubs in town. I’m sure she is a paid in full member, may want to check that membership roll.

While I have not endorsed his candidacy for U.S. Senate, I have a great deal of respect for what Mr. Dewhurst has accomplished while holding the office of lieutenant governor. He’s a self made multimillionaire and the sitting Lt. Governor of the great state of Texas beginning his third term. How often do we get a chance to sit down with a guy like that, have a meal and be able to ask questions? It seemed most people in the room shared my opinion. Many of us have voted for Mr. Dewhurst more than once and will continue to do so in the future. Maybe just not in July.

Mr. Dewhurst came into the room and went around the table personally greeting each attendee. He then sat down, invited everyone to order breakfast, said he would speak for a few minutes and afterwards we would be free to ask questions. First he explained why he hadn’t responded to Tom’s Zakes email asking him to speak. It seems Tom had sent a “few” emails to the Dewhurst campaign that were considered to be negative. So Mr. Zakes was put in the “spam” mail. So the campaign never saw the invite. Mr. Dewhurst then gave us the shortened version of his campaign speech. Pretty much the same thing I had heard from Mr. Cruz the day before. We are spending too much money, Obama-care must go and I’m the one that can get it done.

Most of the questions asked were along the line of “why the attack ads against Ted Cruz”? The feelings from the crowd were that Mr. Dewhurst had plenty of positive things he could tell about himself and didn’t need to go negative. One Gentleman pointed out that the Voters who will be voting in the runoff are very knowledgeable. He makes a great point. The voters in the runoff have thought long and hard about who is who. They have a strong idea who they want to see elected. This runoff is all about GOTV and whoever does a better job wins. David made a case about how super PACs had started the mudslinging and he really didn’t like it but what could you do?


Of course there has to be one in every group. Sure enough some guy (non-member I’m sure) showed up wearing a “Ted Cruz” sticker. Really? Mr. Dewhurst invited us to a private event. To have breakfast with him, which he paid for and you wear his opponent’s sticker into the room. Shame on you. When it’s a public event, wear whatever you want, but show some manners.

Bottom line; Mr. Dewhurst is a fine man and a patriot. He fully understands the problems facing America and will do whatever he can to help fix them. Have I changed my mind on who I will vote for? No, but if my guy doesn’t win David Dewhurst will do OK. Thanks Mr. Dewhurst for taking the time to share a meal with us. It was a most memorable event.

July 11, 2012

Yet Another Sheriff Candidate Debate

The RHCIA (Republican Hispanic Citizens in Action) had it going on Tuesday night July 10, 2012. Host Berna Mac had a standing room only crowd for the Harris County Republican runoff candidates Sheriff debate. Election Day is only three short weeks away. I find it surprising so many people are still trying to make up their minds. There is a clue at the bottom on whom to vote for.

IMHO Berna’s big “score” of the night was having none other than Ted Cruz’s father; Rafael Cruz who was a joy to listen to.  It’s easy to see where Ted gets his passion. Mr. Cruz did us the honor of saying the prayer and giving us a short speech on why politics and religion do go together. He alone was well worth the twenty dollars for the rubber delicious chicken.

Another home run was “Cactus” Jack Cagle as the moderator.  He always asks good questions and adds just a touch of humor. As always, he delivered admirably.  Time keeper was none other than T.J. Huntley. Seen in the crowd were numerous elected officials, candidates for the runoffs, and also for the November election. It was very rewarding to see many of the candidates who had run, but didn’t make it past the primary. These are true patriots who come out to events and continue to show their support for the party.

After seeing “cry baby” Pittman at the last debate, I was pleasantly surprised to find him more under control and not so openly angry.  Plus, he wasn’t trying to bully the crowd. I was thinking Carl would take his lead from Obama and start blaming George W. for his inability to connect with the crowd. I guess Mary Sergesketter had a heart to heart with him. Remember Mary? She was Roy Morales campaign manager while she got paid sixty-four thousand, three hundred ninety-three dollars from Anise Parker to help Anise win the mayor’s race back in 2009.

This time it was more of the “good ol’ days” with Carl. Time after time he brought up California and how he had a company which he says turned “tens of millions” each month and how he had been a big shot on the police force. It seems he is missing the good old days. Kind of like Al Bundy always telling Peg what a great football player he was. Perhaps he is making plans to move back when if he loses. After all, what does he have to keep him here? No house to sell, no twenty or thirty years of making friends, just pack up the U-Haul and go back to relive your glory days.

Speaking of those “tens of millions” each month, what happened to the company? He saw the housing crash coming? Really?  Did he sell it? Did he shut it down? He returned to Texas in July, 2001. That’s a number of years before the housing crash happened. Sounds kind of like Obama’s missing school papers. Yea, sure it happened, take his word for it.

So Carl’s back on this “zero-based-budget” deal. Hey, it worked for Jimmy Carter, why won’t it work for Carl? OK, so it didn’t work for Jimmy, but so what. Let’s keep trying. His idea is, let’s do it over and over and maybe we will get a different result. I think there is a word for that? Hey, it looks good on paper. Let’s talk about doing it, say with the patrol cars. First do we even need cars? Yes, ok how many? No don’t look at how many you had last year, this is “zero-based-budgeting”, you’ve got to prove you need cars and how many. What about gas? May need some gas, but how much? Might need to change the oil, too. How often? No don’t look at last year.  Yes, there are lots of things that can be cut; “zero-based-budgets” isn’t the way.

Commissioner Cagle asked the question regarding the theory of not throwing the baby out with the bath water, what Adrian has done during his term that you would keep. Carl says, “Wow that may be a stumper”, and then he stated Adrain is good at getting in front of a camera and looking pretty good and Carl thought he could also look good in front of a camera. Louis answered with the facts; Adrian had gotten a SWAT vehicle in service as well as an HROU (High Risk Operations Unit) team trained to man it. Once more it seems Mr. Pittman is in way over his head. When all you’ve ever been, is on the receiving end of orders, it’s hard to tell what’s going up at the top. Louis’s years of command experience showed time after time.

Towards the end of the debate, Berna asked “four secret, surprise” questions. I was thankful Carl didn’t walk off the stage. The questions were all big fat softballs for Louis. Now my guess is about eighty percent of the voters are for Louis, but let’s try to be fair. The one thing which really surprised me was Carl doesn’t command anyone. He hasn’t even made it to sergeant yet. He blames budget cuts or George W. or something. There’s always someone to blame. More shocking was the fact that Carl doesn’t have a college education. Really?  You’re going to run the third largest Sheriff’s department in the nation and you don’t have a college degree?

So the ending statements came around and Carl went “Ron Paul, nut job” on the crowd. He talked about martial law and them taking you away and about protecting our homes and how he will do “something” about the illegal immigrant problem. He never says what, just something. Stressing he can say no to the feds and he’s a constitutional sheriff. Sounds like he gets his speeches from the bumper stickers at a Ron Paul convention. Let’s scare the voters to death.

Louis had a much more logical approach.  He also said yes, it’s about the constitution, but it’s also about getting an officer to come to your door. To make sure the officer and you are protected and both your rights are preserved. Louis finished with the promise that he had never and would never raise money for a Democrat like his opponent did back in 2008 when Obama was taking the Country over.

My favorite answer of the night had to be when Louis said he thought the “Houston Chronicle is run by a bunch of hippie communists and he was proud they had not endorsed him”. The crowd loved it. It always amazes me the number of unpaid volunteers who will show up at any event where Louis speaks. Most are active law enforcement officers. As always Carl has a fraction of the number and most of Carl’s “volunteers” are paid.

Bottom line; Louis Guthrie is the clear choice. He has the education, the proven leadership experience and the know how to run the Harris County Sheriff’s office.  His opponent has never been in a leadership role in Texas. He has no college education and doesn’t even own a home in Harris County, not to mention an IAD investigation that makes him unelectable. Do Harris County a favor and vote for Louis Guthrie, and pitch in a few bucks. Louis will need it to defeat Garcia and Obama!

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July 1, 2012

Republican Runoff

So it’s run off time. This is where the hard-core Republicans show up. Are you committed to vote? We have some very important races to decide and we need all the informed voters we can get. So to get to the heart of it all, here’s who I’m endorsing for the July 31, 2012 Republican primary run-off

ü  Ted Cruz for United States Senator

ü  Warren Chisum  for Railroad Commissioner

ü  Greg Parker for Railroad Commissioner unexpired term

ü  David Medina for  Texas Supreme Court place 4

ü  Michael Landrum for Texas 129 District Judge

ü  Don Self for Texas 152 District Judge

ü  Louis Guthrie for Harris County Sheriff

Yes it’s short and sweet this time. I’ll have more to say in the next few days. There are a lot of fine men and women running for office, yes I picked all guys. But if you vote for any of the ladies running you won’t be too far off the path. We also have one of the worst candidates in recent history running for office. We will talk in length about him and his pit-iful crew soon. Next to Obama himself, has anyone whined more than this guy and his piddling crew? He and his little paid pit-hy crew are typical bullies and crybabies!

Bottom line; please vote. It wouldn’t take long and it’s very important. See you at the polls!

May 13, 2012

Voter’s Guide

At long last, the Harris County Conservative Politics endorsement list for the 2012 Republican primary.  Rather than do a long drawn out list of every office in the County, this is a list of who I feel are the most important people to get elected. Those with a must vote are just that, you must vote for these folks.

                     State and Federal

√  Ted Cruz for U.S. Senate

√  Larry  Youngblood CD8

√  Dianne Williams State Rep 149

√Debbie Riddle State Rep 150

                      District Judges

√  Bruce Bain  11th

√ Jeff Hastings  61st

√ Russell Lloyd  127th

√  Leif Olson  151st

√  Allyson Wilkinson 152nd   A must vote!

√ Sophia Mafrige 164th  A must vote!

√ Ryan Patrick  177th

√  Kristin Guiney 179th If you only cast one vote for a Judge, make sure it’s for Kristin. 

√ Renee Magee 337th A must vote!

                     County Wide Offices

√Mike Anderson District Attorney.  A must vote!

√Donna Detamore Harris County Civil Court # 2

√  Harold Heuszel/Louis Guthrie Harris County Sheriff. You must vote for one of these two men!

√  Don Sumners Tax Assessor. A must vote!

√ Mike Wolf HCDE Pos. 3

√  Kay Smith HCDE Pos. 4

√ Jack Cagle Harris County Pct. 4 Commissioner

Harris County Republican Party Chairman

√  Paul Simpson Party chairman. A must vote!  If HCRP is to survive Paul has to be elected!

April 1, 2012

Letters from the Desert

As many of you know I’m experiencing a self-imposed exile to the desert of Far West Texas. My quest for higher self-awareness, to become one with nature and of course to get my little slice of the giant oil pie that is the west Texas Permian basin.

A place where there are more jobs than people.  Where the wait staff giggles when you ask for a lunch menu, they have one menu and it ain’t cheap. Hotel rooms book out months in advance, and nine out of ten businesses have help wanted signs, number ten gave up. Unemployment here is some of the lowest in the world.

So I hear HCRP is out of money and can’t finance the SD convention. Once more they look to the candidates to get a “party bail out”. Maybe Mr. Gary Polland ought to cut loose of some that nearly four hundred grand the courts paid him? Or he could use some of that forty grand that Mayor Parker paid him. How about the Link Letter donating five grand? One less ad, no big deal. How about Jeff Yates does the party “consulting” for half price one month. What if Apache Advertising chipped in a few bucks? It seems they get plenty of business from candidates. Someone should ask Mary Sergesketter if she could spare any of the over fifty grand Mayor Parker paid her.  What if Carl Pittman were to call his good buddy Sheriff Joe and see if he can help out.

Rumor has it  good old Ed Hubbard came up with a plan to get the little guys to pay for the convention. Thank you Ed Hubbard! His plan will work for a number of reasons. People trust Ed to do the right thing with the money. People will give because they know where their money is going. It’s never been about people not wanting to give. It’s always been about people not trusting HCRP to spend the money wisely.

Reliable sources tell me Randy Kubosh wants to have an audit of HCRP and get to the bottom of where the money went. This is the first step in cleaning up HCRP. Trust is paramount in any endeavor.  HCRP lost that trust years ago and it’s getting worse every day. What will we find? Hopefully everything will be good and it’s just a case of old fashioned mismanagement. Let’s hope there isn’t an “Enron” shredding party. Don’t forget the hard drives, just ask the Arthur Andersen guys. I’ve always been for an audit and applaud Mr. Kubosh for stepping up to do this.

This was not an easy thing for Ed Hubbard or Randy Kubosh to do. The lapdogs will be yapping at full volume. There are some who are so blind to what’s going on they will never believe it. There’s a certain IAD report going around that proves some people will believe anything. BTW I still have some beach front Katy property for sale, cash only. People we are seeing history unfold before our very eyes. Will we be a footnote or will we be a chapter?  There aren’t many that need to go. One Harris County prison bus would easily hold them all.

So fellow patriots, sit back, close your eyes and dream for a moment about HCRP as it should be. A party that will let anyone that wants to run for office. A party that treats all candidates fairly and stays out of the primary. A party whose leaders will not pick sides and bash other candidates. The money is tracked and spent wisely, helping the largest number of candidates. Party headquarters where the party members live. Satellite offices in the far reaches of the County. Coffers overflowing with money to help promote Republican ideas and Republican candidates.

Bottom line; we need to help Randy Kubosh, Ed Hubbard, Paul Simpson and anyone else that’s willing and able to stand up to these people. It won’t be easy and some may want to quit. Stay the course people and we will prevail.

March 23, 2012

Kubosh Questions Woodfill, Silence is Deafening

The email below was sent out Thursday night to numerous political activists. Mr. Kubosh has been kind enough to allow me to reprint it here, so others may see it.

To Jared Woodfill and the Harris County Republican Party Leadership,


A little while back, I sent out an email to Jared Woodfill asking why the HCRP was taking a stand on the Public Defender? And why at this time was an eblast sent out to the party members.  I never received a response from Jared.  I was contacted by two of our leaders who took my questions serious and did not have an answer for me, but I thanked them for their concern.


I was emailed a link to a blog by Mark Bennett which tries to answer the questions I asked Jared Woodfill, which Jared never answered.  Some of you are not involved in the criminal justice system and might not know what to believe, but those of us who are, know that games are being played here. 


Please read the blog for yourself and ask yourself if our leadership is behaving in an acceptable manner.  If so, the status quo should be acceptable to you.  If not, you should demand a change. 



Randy Kubosh

Below is the original email Mr. Kubosh sent, dated March 9, 2012. Here is the link to the HCRP email Mr. Kubosh references in his email.

Dear Jared Woodfill and the HCRP Leadership,

Can anyone tell me what prompted the party to take this position?  And why was it done at this time?  Maybe I’m clueless here?   

Randy Kubosh,

Ambassador Level RLC Member (monthly contributor) and Pct. 2 Chairman

One more time Mr. Woodfill refuses to talk to a concerned voter and someone who financially supports our struggling party. What is up with this? Here is the link to the story Randy is talking about. It’s a very good read. Also here is another good link. Just enter the lawyers name and see how much you the tax payer are paying them.

Bottom line; we have seen this disregard for the voters over and over this year. It’s seems a few in the party are hell-bent on maintaining power. We’re seeing it in the Sheriffs race, the DA’s and the party chair race.  Hey, Tea Party we could use some help here. Thank you Randy Kubosh for having the courage to ask hard questions of our party leaders. I fear you, like others who ask such questions, will be attacked. If you see Randy give him a “big thanks” for shinning the light on the COCKROACHES!

March 21, 2012


Normally I post pictures at the end of my article. Today I felt it important to post at the beginning. You know the old saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”.  This seems to be how Ms. Lykos felt about being at this forum. My guess is big bad Jeff Yates told her she had to show up at some of these forums. So like a spoiled trophy wife she said “you want me to show up, ok I’ll show up”.

First we must thank the good folks at the Greater Houston Pachyderm club for holding this event. Suzanne Feather and Lucy Forbes did a fantastic job of hosting the forum. The meeting started and ended on time, while still allowing ample time for questions. And then there was the food. They meet at Tony’s, you know. While twenty-five dollars may be a little pricey for lunch, here you’ll say it’s a bargain.  They had about seventy in attendance.

Rather than bore you with the he said- she said arguments, let’s just hit the high lights. First thing Mike Anderson conveyed was the reason he’s running; because he feels there is a lack of leadership in the DA’s office at this time. Mr. Anderson made it clear this is not personal, it’s business.   He also reminded us of the more than ten thousand police officers that voted no confidence in the current DA. Mike added he would personally try some cases himself. He feels, his troops, the people that work for him need to know he can do the same thing he is asking them to do. I have heard him say before he would try every case that involved the wrongful death of a police officer. Thank you Mike Anderson, that is exactly what we want done! He also mentioned how we need to take back the court house and how we the voters should meet some of the good Judge candidates in the audience. When Mike finished she did not clap. As a “nameless” friend of mine said, well you know she’s not known for her “warm personality”. My friend is the current Queen of understatement.

So Pat Lykos starts off with thanking us for electing her. She says she made promises and has kept every one of them. Pat feels she has reformed the office and bought trust back to the office.  To all but perhaps ten thousand pesky police personnel?

 It would also seem she can’t have her picture taken and speak at the same time.  My observation is it’s more than likely a control issue with her.

Lykos claims Cold Cases have been closed going back as far as the seventies. When you aren’t filing charges against “trace amounts” and you have over five hundred fewer drug dealers to prosecute, that gives you a lot of free time to look at the cold cases.

It also seemed she felt she didn’t have enough time, but promised to talk real fast. Lykos added the DA’s office has almost six hundred employees and a budget of fifty-six million. Ending with her saying she was here to seek our vote and thank us for electing her in 2008.

Of course we had to go into Divert program and is it legal? I don’t know if it is or not, Mr. Anderson says no and has some very good evidence that it isn’t. Ms. Lykos says yes it is, and has several Judges that go along with her.  My big problem as a citizen  is if someone gets drunk the day after they finish Divert and kills my best friend, or a family member, it can never be brought up to the Judge or Jury, this person had a prior DWI.  My friends and my family deserve better.

The other big issue in this race seems to be to charge or not to charge with trace amounts. Lykos stood by her claim that it’s for the best not to pursue charges involving trace amounts. At one point, when referring to the time it takes police to charge said offenders, she used the word squander.

Squander, meaning to waste, as in driving all the way from Katy in the pouring rain to hear someone speak, only to see them look out the window, squander.

She then comes up with the old ‘they’re doing it too,’ plea. Pat claims Bexar County and two others are doing the same thing she is. Like my Mother used to say, “If Bexar County jumped off a bridge would you go too?”

Then Mike says not prosecuting these trace cases is against the law. He goes on to say, if you don’t like the law, change it. Change it by going to Austin and getting new legislature passed. The District Attorney does not have the right to legislate. Mr. Anderson went on to tell us since this program has been in effect 596 fewer drug delivery arrests have been made.

We always hear we don’t want our Judges to legislate, so why is it OK for the DA to legislate? I’m 100% on Mike Anderson’s side on this one. This is how many of the higher ups are caught. You catch a little fish and he rolls over on the bigger fish. Also these addicts are not getting the help they need and many go on to commit heinous crimes. Who do you think breaks into your car or your house and grabs what they can? If you’re in the way they will do whatever they need to get another fix. The only reason a doper has more than a trace on their person is because they didn’t know they had it.

The audience was stunned  with Ms. Lykos’ response to the question , is it against the law posses trace amounts of heroin, cocaine or methamphetamine’s.  Ms. Lykos continued to press home that crime rates are lower since she’s in office.  I imagine they are,  if she fails toprosecute so many cases.

We come to their closing statements. Pat Lykos gets up and tells us ‘she is the future and Mike is going backwards’. She then said “when she hears this “it’s the law, it’s the law” all she can think of is Nuremberg. Really?

Mike opens with thanking everyone for taking the time to come listen to this presentation. Thanks for not squandering our time, Mike. He also told us we are important in the upcoming election and it’s our job to vet the candidates so we get the right people on the ballot. Mr. Anderson said he really didn’t care how they run their business in Bexar County or anywhere else. Mike added he was shocked that Nuremberg was brought up. I was too; there was no need for it.

Bottom line; Thank you Pat Lykos for not prosecuting any cases, it’s important  to know your limitations. Now we see why she doesn’t show up at most events. Ms. Lykos danced around several of the questions, often not really addressing the issue. Her mind seemed to wander more than once, demonstrated by her interest in staring out the window for much of the presentation. When asked about what made her qualified to administrate the office, she went on over a minute about teaching and this and that plus she was a precinct chair back in the seventies. Huh?  Mike Anderson, on the other hand was there to answer the questions in a clear and timely manner.  My “nameless” friend and I were talking about the difference between a leader and a manager. We believe a manager goes around telling everyone what to do, whereas a leader gives people what they need to make themselves and the organization a success. If you think back, most of us have dealt with both. It seems very clear who knows more about leadership. That leader is Mike Anderson.

March 19, 2012

Open Letter To Jared Woodfill

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Sergeant Eric Batton. Mr. Batton had a very interesting story to tell me. It seems Eric Batton holds the position of Vice President of the Harris County Deputies Organization, and he wasn’t very happy with how Richard Dillon  “maligns candidates he (Dillon) didn’t support”. This email was sent to Jared Woodfill on Wednesday, March 14 at 10:12 PM.  As of mid-afternoon today Jared Woodfill has not responded, either by phone or email to this fine officer.

However according to Eric, Richard Dillon called back and tried to defend his hateful article.

Yeah you got that straight; the VP of HCDO sends a email to Jared Woodfill  asking for Richard Dillon to be removed from party leadership and Richard Dillon calls back.


To:  Jared Woodfill

Harris County GOP Chairman

From: Eric J. Batton

Vice President

Harris County Deputies Organization

Mr. Woodfill,

I am submitting to you my written disapproval in regards to an article recently published by Richard Dillon in the “Texas Patriot Statesman”, entitled “Why I support Carl Pittman for Harris County Sheriff”.  I will not contest Mr. Dillon’s right to support his candidate, but I will contest the manner in which he maligns candidates he does not support.  As one of two Republicans on the Board of Directors I have been able to leverage considerable endorsements and support for Republican Party candidates.  The basis of this support is structured around our core values and how our party elevates Republican candidates not cannibalizes them. Simply put, “We don’t eat our own”.  Unfortunately Mr. Dillon does not adhere to this philosophy. Aiding the Democrats by making our candidates look like used cannon fodder will not prove beneficial in November. Additionally, this type of conduct will make it exceedingly difficult for me to garner local law enforcement support for the party and its candidates.

If you have not demanded Mr. Dillon’s immediate resignation from party leadership, you are facilitating the deterioration of our party from its nucleus. This method of leadership may be acceptable at the local Harris County DNC, but not at the HCRP.  Those who hold leadership in the HCRP, and choose to participate in mudslinging against Republican candidates should be harshly and swiftly reprimanded and immediately removed.  His article was drafted with all of the hate and antagonism of a Democrat operative that we so often see in today’s liberal newspapers.  I am ashamed of his actions and they are not within acceptable standards of what I and scores of other Republicans have come to expect from the leadership of the Party.

Should you like to discuss this matter with me personally I can be reached at (xxx) xxx-xxxx.


Eric J. Batton


It is beyond belief that this is happening. Republicans have always been the first to support law enforcement. In the interest of full disclosure I will say that neither Mr. Batton nor I are supporters of Carl Pittman. This isn’t about who we support, this is about the disrespect shown to our law enforcement officers and the military personnel (by Kneer). What people are upset about is Richard Dillon is known as a Republican Party leader. He has every right to think whatever he wants about other candidates. No one is questioning his right to chose whom he supports. However, leadership brings with it moral restraints; maybe that is why we have so few leaders. Richard Dillon disregards the restraint required of true leadership.

Bottom line; we all need to thank Sergeant Batton plus all the fine men and women of the Harris County Sheriff’s Office. They are the ones who put their lives on the line every day and the last thing they need is for politics to interfere with their safety. If any law enforcement or military personnel were offended by these “rouge Republicans” let us all sincerely apologize for what was said.

True Republicans are grateful for your sacrifice. I join with Eric Batton and call for Jared Woodfill to remove Richard Dillon from a position of leadership within the Harris County Republican Party.

Will you join us? Will you add your voice to ours?

March 18, 2012

Leprechauns or Leaders?

The Downtown Houston Pachyderms had over twenty members and guests turn out for the St Patrick day parade held 3-17-2012 in downtown Houston. Long time member and “world famous red light camera fighter” Michael Kubosh donated the use of his convertible. Riding with Michael was the beloved “Mama Kubosh”, Beth Zakes and founding member Ann Lee.

President Randy Kubosh led the way followed by Vice President Alvin Walker, Secretary Tom Zakes and Chaplin Ken Shortreed. Others in the group included several political activists.  Wives, husband’s kids and others filled out the ranks.

Oh yeah, we had a few candidates also: Ken Shortreed Judge candidate 215th, Allyson Wilkerson Judge candidate 152nd and Sharon Hemphill Judge candidate 133rd. Only three Judge candidates, surly you jest?

Renee Magee Judge candidate 337th had her own parade entry.  Renee and supporters decorated husband Tucker’s truck and she even had her Great Dane “Cowgirl” wearing a bright green bow.



Sophia Mafrige Judge candidate 164th also had her own entry. Sophia’s brother drove a convertible, with her very proud Mother riding along. Also helping out were Sophia’s young niece and nephew wearing green shirts saying “Vote for my Aunt Sophia Mafrige”.



Harold Heuszel, a front runner in the Sheriff race and his wife also walked the route with us.  Other notable candidate’s participants were Dale Gibble, running for a senate district chair, and Sean Seibert running for CD18 against Shelia Jackson Lee. Also seen in the parade were Republican Louis Guthrie, Sheriff candidate and Robert Lozano Constable 4 candidate.

The Pachyderms were pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome they received from many in the crowd. Often the words Republican followed by cheering and clapping were heard. The kids were the most entertaining of all. We ran out of beads half way through the parade and had to borrow some from Renee Magee. Thanks for the help, Renee. That seems to be the norm for Republicans in general and Pachyderms in particular, they help each other out.

We were lucky to get placed behind the Irish wolf hound entry. These gentle giants were in no hurry and helped to set a pace that gave us plenty of time to interact with the crowd. We had a fun time and it was rewarding to see the response from the crowd. This may be more of what is needed, Republicans interacting with the community. A big thanks goes out to “well know man about town” Griff Griffin for helping  us to participate in this parade. Plans are afoot already for a bigger and better entry into the parade next year. Anyone know where we can rent a few elephants?  And is anybody willing to help decorate?

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